$499.00 $399.00


There’s no question, when you Feel Good, Good Things Happen.

When you gain increased CONFIDENCE, your SELF-ESTEEM rises and when that happens, people take notice as the world around you appears to be vibrantly more alive.

With increased self-esteem and confidence, the STRENGTH you gain both mentally and physically allows you to tackle life’s challenges head-on, ultimately increasing your SELF-BELIEF.

When you register for The EDGE 12-Week Physical Transformation Program , it is Chris’s goal to increase your SELF-BELIEF and ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS!

What you receive:

~ 12-Week Customized Training Program:

Whether it’s to build muscle, burn fat, or a combination of both, you will receive a Customized Training Program specifically designed to not only meet your goals, but exceed them.

~ A Customized Meal Plan designed specifically to help you ACHIEVE your goals

After learning what your goals are, Chris will go to work personally designing the absolute best plan possible by applying his 30+ years worth of experience as a high-performance athlete in order to see you succeed.

~ Chris Delaney’s 100+ Healthy Food Options Menu with built-in Digital Calculator:

Staying healthy by eating right is at the top of nearly everyone’s priority list. Unfortunately, when it comes to diet, it’s a lot tougher than it sounds, therefore, to make it easier on his clients, Chris has developed a unique tool that few trainers have that will make life easier for those he works with.

That tool – a digital food calculator

The calculator was then integrated into Chris’s top 100+ DIETICIAN APPROVED Healthy Food Options Menu that has proven successful, not only for Chris, but also his clients for over 30 years.

Making it an easy tool to use was KEY.

Boredom leads to failure, therefore, keeping variety in mind, as you scroll through the menu building your own portion-controlled meal, choosing, mixing, and matching from a wide variety of items, the calculator adds up the totals of each macronutrient (proteins, carbs, and fats) based on your specific meall requirements.

~ The training app. (Coming Soon)

In order to build the life you want you need the right tools, therefore, to make life easier Chris has also developed his own app in order to bring all of this and more together for you.

From instructional exercise videos and weekly blasts of his top motivational quotes that have propelled him throughout his life, to your personal training and meal plans, everything you need in order to succeed is right at your fingertips.